Impeccable write up

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Thanks my man

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Great work James I miss the days of taking pot shots on PINS tho 😉

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Pins has been a monster recently I remember writing about so many times in the teens

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Just looked at the price…. Holy shit… all those AWFLs have pushed it right up lol

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Great write up ⬆️

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Thanks Les have a good one

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Great write up as always. Have a good day off tomorrow man.

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Holy smokes I hadn't seen that AMZN monthly chart. That chart looks like 🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!

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Did you see that Penn in todays recap lol buyout rumors hours later

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I would have waited tomorrow close if I were you, as the XLK rebalancing tomorrow means around $10B of AAPL shares will be dumped tomorrow , I guess tomorrow Market On Close long AAPL seems to be a Better timing.

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It’s on the 8 ema really not a big deal right now

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Thank you for all your great insights.

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Appreciate the quick write up. I wasn't expecting to overhaul my book and oust AMZN out of the top spot for another name, but I may have to do it...

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I wouldn’t do that, I still have most of my book in Amazon. Amazon has the most upside from current levels, lot easier for that to double than say Apple. Amazon just has so many questions to answer, if and when they do the catchup will be swift

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Great writeup James! I'm curious about two more points:

1. Noticed you're not using your favourite risk reversal set up here. Given your longer timeframe bullishness on AAPL, why not get your basis down via put sales instead of selling calls? Is it because your current trade structure requires lower margins/capital efficiency?

2. Given the aggressive positioning, if AAPL does rocket, what would you do if those December 300 calls go ITM?

Hope you have a good break! Thanks!

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I’d love to use a risk reversal but I’m saving my dry powder in case it dips then I can sell puts and get more off my original basis. I don’t need the money now so I’m gonna save that till when I need it. As for the question if it goes over 300 well then life is good and I close up the whole trade for a huge win in December

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Thank you.

Am curious why you pressed yesterday vs waiting until after Friday's Mopex to let some IV out of the bag. Is that not material enough with these leaps to bother at all?

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I have 18 months, 3 days isn’t changing much

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